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Herts & Middlesex Moths.
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Hertfordshire Natural History Society.
Information on all the moths that occur or once occurred in Hertfordshire & Middlesex, with distribution maps, photographs, descriptions, flight graphs, latest records and more.
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Search results for: Erebidae
72.001 Herald
Scoliopteryx libatrix
72.0012 Landguard Curved-ribbon
Dinumma deponens
72.002 Straw Dot
Rivula sericealis
72.003 Snout
Hypena proboscidalis
72.004 Buttoned Snout
Hypena rostralis
72.005 Paignton Snout
Hypena obesalis
72.006 Bloxworth Snout
Hypena obsitalis
72.007 Beautiful Snout
Hypena crassalis
72.008 Black V Moth
Arctornis l-nigrum
72.009 White Satin
Leucoma salicis
72.010 Black Arches
Lymantria monacha
72.011 Gypsy Moth
Lymantria dispar
72.012 Brown-tail
Euproctis chrysorrhoea
72.013 Yellow-tail
Euproctis similis
72.015 Pale Tussock
Calliteara pudibunda
72.016 Dark Tussock
Dicallomera fascelina
72.017 Vapourer
Orgyia antiqua
72.018 Scarce Vapourer
Orgyia recens
72.019 Buff Ermine
Spilosoma lutea
72.020 White Ermine
Spilosoma lubricipeda
72.021 Water Ermine
Spilosoma urticae
72.0211 Autumn Webworm
Hyphantria cunea
72.022 Muslin Moth
Diaphora mendica
72.023 Clouded Buff
Diacrisia sannio
72.024 Ruby Tiger
Phragmatobia fuliginosa
72.025 Wood Tiger
Parasemia plantaginis
72.0252 Satin Stowaway
Antichloris viridis
72.0253 Banana Stowaway
Antichloris eriphia
72.026 Garden Tiger
Arctia caja
72.027 Cream-spot Tiger
Arctia villica
72.0271 The Basker
Euchromia lethe
72.028 Patton's Tiger
Hyphoraia testudinaria
72.0282 Israeli Tiger
Olepa schleini
72.029 Scarlet Tiger
Callimorpha dominula
72.030 Jersey Tiger
Euplagia quadripunctaria
72.031 Cinnabar
Tyria jacobaeae
72.032 Speckled Footman
Coscinia cribraria
72.033 Feathered Footman
Coscinia striata
72.034 Crimson Speckled
Utetheisa pulchella
72.0343 The Nine-spotted
Amata phegea
72.035 Rosy Footman
Miltochrista miniata
72.036 Muslin Footman
Nudaria mundana
72.037 Round-winged Muslin
Thumatha senex
72.038 Four-dotted Footman
Cybosia mesomella
72.039 Dotted Footman
Pelosia muscerda
72.040 Small Dotted Footman
Pelosia obtusa
72.041 Four-spotted Footman
Lithosia quadra
72.042 Red-necked Footman
Atolmis rubricollis
72.043 Buff Footman
Eilema depressa
72.044 Dingy Footman
Eilema griseola
72.045 Common Footman
Eilema lurideola
72.046 Scarce Footman
Eilema complana
72.047 Hoary Footman
Eilema caniola
72.048 Pigmy Footman
Eilema pygmaeola
72.049 Orange Footman
Eilema sororcula
72.050 Dew Moth
Setina irrorella
72.051 Clay Fan-foot
Paracolax tristalis
72.052 Dotted Fan-foot
Macrochilo cribrumalis
72.053 Fan-foot
Herminia tarsipennalis
72.054 Shaded Fan-foot
Herminia tarsicrinalis
72.055 Small Fan-foot
Herminia grisealis
72.056 Common Fan-foot
Pechipogo strigilata
72.057 Plumed Fan-foot
Pechipogo plumigeralis
72.058 Jubilee Fan-foot
Zanclognatha lunalis
72.060 Marsh Oblique-barred
Hypenodes humidalis
72.061 Pinion-streaked Snout
Schrankia costaestrigalis
72.0615 Autumnal Snout
Schrankia intermedialis
72.062 White-line Snout
Schrankia taenialis
72.063 Blackneck
Lygephila pastinum
72.064 Scarce Blackneck
Lygephila craccae
72.065 Levant Blackneck
Tathorhynchus exsiccata
72.066 Waved Black
Parascotia fuliginaria
72.067 Small Purple-barred
Phytometra viridaria
72.068 Lesser Belle
Colobochyla salicalis
72.069 Beautiful Hook-tip
Laspeyria flexula
72.070 Olive Crescent
Trisateles emortualis
72.072 Purple Marbled
Eublemma ostrina
72.073 Small Marbled
Eublemma parva
72.0735 Pink-barred Marbled
Eublemma cochylioides
72.074 Beautiful Marbled
Eublemma purpurina
72.075 Oak Yellow Underwing
Catocala nymphagoga
72.076 Clifden Nonpareil
Catocala fraxini
72.078 Red Underwing
Catocala nupta
72.079 Rosy Underwing
Catocala electa
72.081 Dark Crimson Underwing
Catocala sponsa
72.082 Light Crimson Underwing
Catocala promissa
72.0824 The Hieroglyphic Moth
Diphthera festiva
72.083 Burnet Companion
Euclidia glyphica
72.084 Mother Shipton
Callistege mi
72.085 The Alchymist
Catephia alchymista
72.0855 Green Drab
Ophiusa tirhaca
72.086 Lunar Double-stripe
Minucia lunaris
72.087 Passenger
Dysgonia algira
72.0871 Robust Tabby
Pandesma robusta
72.088 Geometrician
Grammodes stolida

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