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Marasmarcha lunaedactyla
Crescent Plume (Haworth, 1811)
Pterophoridae: Pterophorinae
1495 / 45.023
Photo © David Hunt,  Harpenden, Hertfordshire (29/06/23)

Similar Herts & Middlesex Species: None
Wingspan: 18-22mm.
Flight: Late June - July
Foodplant:   Restharrow and Spiny Restharrow
Nat Status: Local
Verification Grade:  Adult: 1

General comments:

Our only historic breeding record is from the 'Tring district' on 25th July 1903, where A. E. Gibbs and T. F. Furnival, described it as locally common amongst small patches of Ononis spinosa (Gibbs, 1904a). Much later, during 2003, larger than usual numbers were noted and it was recorded in that year, and since, in places where it had not previously been seen. This very modern increase appears to have been reflected in other south-eastern counties and indicates a general increase in population strength and range. Nevertheless, the pattern on the map shows three distinct groupings - in northern Hertfordshire on chalky ground, on the western border, also more or less coinciding with chalky ground and then scattered sites in Middlesex of which some at least are associated with ruderal habitat that supports the foodplant.

Recorded in 23 (56%) of 41 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1890.
Last Recorded in 2023.

Latest Records
Date#VC10k - General Area
04/08/2023120TL21 - Welwyn Garden City
07/07/2023120TL42 - Bishop's Stortford (N)
02/07/2023120TL23 - Letchworth / Baldock
30/06/2023120TL22 - Stevenage
30/06/2023120TL41 - Sawbridgeworth / Bishop's Stortford
29/06/2023120SP90 - Berkhamsted
29/06/2023120TL23 - Letchworth / Baldock
28/06/2023120TL11 - Harpenden / Wheathampstead
28/06/2023120TL41 - Sawbridgeworth / Bishop's Stortford
27/06/2023120SP90 - Berkhamsted
Further info: Marasmarcha lunaedactyla
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