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Rosy Wave
Scopula emutaria (Hübner, 1809)
Geometridae: Sterrhinae
1691 / 70.028
Photo © Ben Sale,  Canvey Wick, Essex (08/07/10)

Similar Herts & Middlesex Species
Lesser Cream Wave
Scopula immutata
Forewing: 11-13mm.
Flight: One, possibly two generations. June-Sept.
Foodplant:   Sea-beet.
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Nationally Scarce
Former Status: Nationally Scarce B
Verification Grade:  Adult: 1

General comments
Extinct resident.

Foster (1937) states 'St. Albans, Bricket Wood (Gibbs)'. The species is not included in Gibbs (1889) list of the Lepidoptera of the St Alban district and so must, if correct have been made between 1889 and his death in 1917. Thus 1917 is the arbitrarily assigned year of our earliest county record, though it was undoubtedly before then. The only other record is that made by Goodson at Hemel Hempstead in 1945 (Foster, 1945a). The moth inhabits the edges of permanent bogs at inland sites and therefore, unexpected in Hertfordshire. The one and only Middlesex report is from Stanmore in 1970.

Recorded in 4 (10%) of 41 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1937.
Last Recorded in 1970.

Latest Records
Date#VC10k - General Area
1970121TQ19 - Bushey / Borehamwood / Stanmore
1961+20TL11 - Harpenden / Wheathampstead
1945120SP91 - Tring
1937120TL10 - St Albans
Further info: Scopula emutaria
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