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Least Carpet
Idaea rusticata Lempke, 1967
Geometridae: Sterrhinae
1699 / 70.004
Photo © George Fowler,  Broxbourne, Hertfordshire (13/07/17)

Similar Herts & Middlesex Species: None
Forewing: 9-11mm.
Flight: One generation. June-Aug. (Sept-Oct)
Foodplant:   Ivy, Traveller's-joy.
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common
Former Status: Local
Verification Grade:  Adult: 1

General comments

The spread of this species in our area is extremely well-documented. It was confined to the Thames Estuary until the end of the nineteenth century. The first Middlesex record was in 1890 at Harefield; the first in Hertfordshire was at Berkhamsted in 1945. The twentieth century saw scattered records across much of the area, but up to the end of 1999 it appears that all reports relate to single adult moths. Post-2000, however, many traps began recording between 2 and 5 individuals per night, with occasional higher numbers. The Least Carpet is now a firmly established resident throughout both counties.

Recorded in 38 (93%) of 41 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1960.
Last Recorded in 2024.

Latest Records
Date#VC10k - General Area
29/06/2024121TQ18 - Harrow / Wembley / Ealing
29/06/2024121TQ29 - Barnet / Finchley
28/06/2024120TL30 - Hoddesdon / Cheshunt
28/06/2024121TQ18 - Harrow / Wembley / Ealing
21/06/2024120TL22 - Stevenage
19/06/2024220TL00 - Hemel Hempstead
18/10/2023120TL31 - Hertford
12/10/2023120TL23 - Letchworth / Baldock
12/10/2023120TL41 - Sawbridgeworth / Bishop's Stortford
11/10/2023120TL31 - Hertford
Further info: Idaea rusticata
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