General comments: Extremely infrequent immigrant, not seen in our area since 1958.
Hertfordshire Notes: There are two Hertfordshire records. 'One at Waltham Cross' (Boyd, 1901) - Boyd was summarising records for the Cheshunt area and it is not possible to infer the year of the record from this entry; Arkley, one on 3rd October 1958 (T. G. Howarth). The record given by me for Oxhey in 1893 (Plant, 1993) in fact refers to an adult caught by H. Rowland-Brown at Oxhey Grove, near Harrow Weald, Middlesex (see Rowland-Brown, 1893).
Middlesex Notes: Not recorded.  | Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required. | |
Recorded in 2 (5%) of 41 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1901. Last Recorded in 1958. |