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Bordered Gothic
Sideridis reticulata (Goeze, 1781)
Noctuidae: Hadeninae
2153 / 73.277

Similar Herts & Middlesex Species
Naenia typica
Feathered Gothic
Tholera decimalis
Forewing: 17-19mm.
Flight: One generation May-July.
Foodplant:   Soapwort.
Red List: Possibly Extinct (PE)
GB Status: Nationally Rare
Former Status: Red Data Book (proposed)
Verification Grade:  Adult: 3

General comments:
Immigrant. Former resident.

As a resident moth, the Bordered Gothic was said to be most numerous in the East Anglian Breckland with further populations in England south of the Thames and sparse, isolated localities in the Midlands. Looking at the distribution map in volume 9 of Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland it is clear that the insect was formerly resident in a continuous north-east to south-west strip from north-east Norfolk coast to Dorset - a band that includes Hertfordshire - with a south-easterly side shoot to the south of London and into Kent. This pattern more or less precisely follows the Chalk on a map of Solid Geology of Britain. On this basis, it is clear that most of the elderly records from Hertfordshire probably relate to a resident population, whilst the most recent records must surely relate to either wanderers or immigrant examples. The records show a clear decline in the 1950s and 1960s and 1972 is arbitrarily designated the last year of residency. As a breeding species, the Bordered Gothic now appears to be extinct in our area.

Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required.

Recorded in 11 (27%) of 41 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1887.
Last Recorded in 2002.

Latest Records
Date#VC10k - General Area
29/08/2002120TL11 - Harpenden / Wheathampstead
20/07/1994120TL42 - Bishop's Stortford (N)
08/09/1972120TL31 - Hertford
1971+20TL42 - Bishop's Stortford (N)
01/07/1962120TL42 - Bishop's Stortford (N)
1960+20TL11 - Harpenden / Wheathampstead
July 1957120TQ09 - Watford / Rickmansworth
11/06/1956120TL42 - Bishop's Stortford (N)
1955120TQ29 - Barnet / Finchley
30/06/1954120TL42 - Bishop's Stortford (N)
Further info: Sideridis reticulata
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