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Small Ranunculus
Hecatera dysodea ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Noctuidae: Hadeninae
2165 / 73.280
Photo © Ian Gamble,  Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire (02/06/21)

Similar Herts & Middlesex Species
Broad-barred White
Hecatera bicolorata
Large Ranunculus
Polymixis flavicincta
Forewing: 14-15mm.
Flight: Probably two gens: late April - Oct
Foodplant:   Prickly Lettuce, Great lettuce
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common
Former Status: Red Data Book
Verification Grade:  Adult: 2

General comments:
Widespread resident.

In Herts and Middlesex it was common between at least 1828 and 1886 and then after a prolonged absent, during which it was officially extinct in Britain, occasional adults appeared throughout the 1930s. It was then absent again until it reappeared in Britain in Kent during 1997. It has spread since then and is now a widespread species in southern Britain. It does not appear to have become a pest of lettuce crops - something for which it was allegedly famous last time around!

Recorded in 30 (73%) of 41 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1900.
Last Recorded in 2023.

Latest Records
Date#VC10k - General Area
26/08/2023120TL31 - Hertford
24/08/2023120TL34 - Royston (S)
20/08/2023120SP91 - Tring
18/08/2023120TL31 - Hertford
18/08/2023121TQ08 - Uxbridge
17/08/2023120TL23 - Letchworth / Baldock
17/08/2023120TL22 - Stevenage
17/08/2023120TL34 - Royston (S)
07/08/2023120TL34 - Royston (S)
06/08/2023120TL42 - Bishop's Stortford (N)
Further info: Hecatera dysodea
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