Absent - but probably overlooked.
Mentioned by Stephens (1834) for Colney Hatch Wood, Middlesex. There are no other reports and the species has been regarded as extinct in Britain for many years. However, it was discovered, quite by accident, in Warwickshire in 2022 and this encouraged a number of people to search for it during 2023 using commercially available, artificial pheromone lures. As a result, it has been re-discovered in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire and elsewhere. Adult males are most likely to be attracted to lures from about 17.00 hours onwards. Extensive surveys undertaken in Hertfordshire in 2023 produced nothing, but were done before the importance of time of day was known and so the moth may have been missed - as indeed it may have been for over a hundred years! A presence in both Hertfordshire and Middlesex is confidently predicted. | Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required. | |
Recorded in 1 (2%) of 41 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1834. Last Recorded in 1834. |