Maps & Graphs

After clicking on a Map or Graph to expand...

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White Dot/Square - Indicates records last recorded from 2020 onwards in this 2km x 2km area (Tetrad or 2k) - Click on dot to list latest 100 records in this Tetrad.
Yellow Dot/Square - Indicates records last recorded from 2000 - 2019 in this 2km x 2km area (Tetrad or 2k) - Click on dot to list latest 100 records in this Tetrad.
Orange Dot/Square - Indicates records last recorded from 2000 - 2009 in this 2km x 2km area (Tetrad or 2k) - Click on dot to list latest 100 records in this Tetrad.
Grey Dot/Square - Indicates records last recorded before 2000 in this 2km x 2km area (Tetrad or 2k) - Click on dot to list latest 100 records in this Tetrad.
Small Squares - Same colour codes as above, shown as 1km x 1km squares (Monad or 1k) within a 2km x 2km grey square (Tetrad) - Click to list latest 100 records in this Tetrad.
Large Grey Square - This indicates records are within this 10km x 10km (Hectad or 10k) area, but precise location is unknown or hidden (These are usually historical records or sensitive species) - Click within the 10k (Hectad) area to list latest 100 records.
Google Map - Zoom in to orange squares to view area on standard google road map - Click on square to list latest 100 records in this Tetrad. Darker squares show records recorded from 2000 onwards.
Google Map (Satellite View) - Zoom in to orange squares to see satellite view of area - Click on square to list latest 100 records in this Tetrad.
Ordnance Survey - Click on any listed grid reference (Gridref) to view premium Ordnance Survey (OS) Explorer Maps of the area.

Please note: maps show Vice-county (VC) borders, used in biological recording. Modern administrative county borders may vary.


Annual Records Graph (for specific species)

Y-axis (vertical) - Total
X-axis (horizontal) - Year

Green Line - Total number of Records.
Blue Line - Total number of Sites.
Black line - Total number of Specimens (Quantity) in the records. (quantity not always recorded)

Hover over lines to show pop-up info window.